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UTEMI Service
Unit of Minimally invasive Techniques for Pain Treatment

UTEMI, Minimally Invasive Techniques Unit for Pain Treatment offers wide choice of techniques based in interventionist radiology.

Medical technology advances combined with the best imaging guide (MRI, CT, X-ray), we offer an alternative to surgical treatment that allows us to treat different pathologies safely, with less pain and reduced recovery time.

Among others, some of the most common problems that we can treat in UTEMI are:

  • Spine: lumbar, cervical, dorsal pain.
  • Joints: knee, hip, shoulder.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Musculoskeletal pain.
  • Oncology pain.

UTEMI service available in IMED Valencia, IMED Levante and IMED International Center


Manuel Cifrián Pérez

Dr. Manuel Cifrián Pérez

IMED Valencia, IMED Levante, IMED International Center

Radiología Intervencionista
